In order to protect the reputation of Savicom's customers and to ensure maximum delivery of customer email, Savicom enforces an acceptable use policy (AUP). Savicom's AUP prevents abuse of Savicom's network and services, protects recipients from receiving unsolicited email, and ensures email deliverability by protecting Savicom's ISP and email provider relationships.
Section I:
Compliance with ISP's Email Policies
Since compliance with ISPs' email acceptance policies directly determines the deliverability of Savicom's customer email, adherence to the collective policies of receiving ISPs is the primary requirement our AUP.
Savicom customers must adhere to all rules and policies set by the ISPs receiving their email. As a responsible email service provider, Savicom passes along the requirements and complaint feedback from ISPs. ISP-reported complaint levels are monitored and used to enforce the specific rules of each ISP. Excessive complaints or other negative feedback from recipients, ISPs, network administrators and "blacklisting" organizations such as SpamHaus is prohibited, regardless of meeting all other AUP requirements and best practices guidelines.
Section II:
Commercial Email Opt-in Requirements
A. Online and Offline Subscriptions:
Permission: Email may only be sent to recipients who have explicitly granted the sender permission to send them email.
Expectations: The sender must provide clear and conspicuous notice to recipients at the point of email address collection regarding the content and frequency of emails which will be sent.
Removal: Recipients must be able to stop receiving email resulting from a single subscription request with a single unsubscribe request.
Documentation:For online subscriptions, senders must collect and maintain opt-in documentation which includes the recipient's IP address, date and time of opt-in, and exact URL of the webpage where the subscribe request was made. For subscriptions collected offline, documentation must include information detailing how and when the recipient granted the sender permission to send them email. Savicom reserves the right to require documentation at the time addresses are uploaded.
Accountability: List owners are solely responsible for their subscription generation methods including compliance of the Savicom AUP by any third parties used during the subscription process.
B. No Sharing of Email Addresses:
Privacy Policy: Savicom requires specific language in the sender's privacy policy stating that the recipient's email address will not be shared, sold or rented to any third parties. The same language is required in the privacy policy of any third party website used to collect subscriptions for the sender.
No "Permission Passing": Senders are not allowed to pass permission from one opt-in list to another.
No Purchasing of Bulk Email Addresses: Savicom does not allow senders to purchase third party email address databases.
Section III:
Transactional Email Requirements
Non-commercial messages, as defined in the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, may be allowed provided the sender can reasonably demonstrate that recipients are customers and have provided their email address in the process of purchasing products or services. All transactional emails will be monitored closely for negative feedback.
Section IV:
Message Content
A. Unsubscribe Instructions:
All messages must include visible and functioning unsubscribe instructions.
B. Relevant Subject Lines:
All messages must include a subject line relevant to the content in the body of the message. Subject lines must not be misleading or deceptive in any way.
C. No Illegal, Abusive or Offensive Content:
Illegal, abusive or offensive content includes, but is not limited to, pornography, obscenity, nudity, racism, hatred, violations of privacy, hacking, viruses, harassment, malicious or threatening content.
Section V:
Sending to Unsubscribed or Bounced Addresses
List owners may not send to recipient addresses which have been previously unsubscribed or which have been previously removed as a result of returned mail ("bounces") without a new documented subscription request from the recipient.
Section VI:
Evading License Limits
Savicom Pro customers are prohibited from using multiple uploads and removals to circumvent the license level. For example, if you intend to send to 100K recipients, you may not open a 10K recipient account and send to 100K recipients in 10 unique uploads of 10K each.
See Also:
Global Unsubscribe | License Agreement